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Landyachtz Dinghy Emboss
Landyachtz Dinghy Emboss Landyachtz Dinghy Emboss Landyachtz Dinghy Emboss Landyachtz Dinghy Emboss Landyachtz Dinghy Emboss Landyachtz Dinghy Emboss Landyachtz Dinghy Emboss

Landyachtz Dinghy Emboss

995 995,00 lei
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995 995,00 lei

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You can never go wrong with black on black, especially when combined with a sweet embossed graphic for extra style points. The classic Dinghy shape has been a staple of our line-up for many years now and is still the first board we grab for a quick rip to the store or around the neighbourhood.

The Classic Dinghy shape has been the cornerstone of our cruiser lineup for many years now and it continues to deliver good times. At 28.5″ long and 8″ wide, it’s an agile city cruiser that can go where many boards can’t. The Classic Dinghy is pressed with 7 plies of Canadian maple for a light, stiff and poppy ride. It comes set up with Polar Bear 105mm trucks for maximum agility and a super-tight turning circle. 63mm Fatty Hawgs finish off the setup and ensure you’ll have an extra fast, smooth ride over all types of terrain.

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Recenzii client

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Rolls like butter Recenzie de Alexandru
Inainte sa aud de Landyachtz am incercat diferite branduri care se regasesc in magazinele din Romania si intotdeauna am simtit se poate mai mult in ceea ce priveste comfortul in acest domeniu. Cu toate ca majoritatea dintre voi cred ca atunci cand vorbim de confort este vorba de cat de mari si moi sunt rotile pe care le folosesti, am observat ca foarte mult conteaza si calitatea truck-urilor care pot prelua destul de mult din trepidatii. Ideea este ca am incercat rotile Fatty de la Hawgs pe alte placi, dar fara sa schimb si truck-ul si nu am ajuns sa simt aceeasi impresie de "merge ca uns" pe care o ofera componentele celor de la Landyachtz. Iar atunci cand peste toate adaugi un strat de burete peste placa, totul se schimba radical. Cruising-ul in oras, peste asfaltul, de multe ori de proasta calitate, devine o placere si nu mai poti realiza cat de putin fin este terenul peste care mergi. Stiu ca poate va suna ca o reclama tot ceea ce am scris pana acum dar chiar am fost impresionat maxim de comfortul pe care il creaza modelul Dinghy. De design nu mai zic nimic pentru ca se poate vedea si din fotografii cat de frumos arata :) Le multumesc celor de la Longboard.ro ca au ales sa aduca Landyachtz in Romania si mai ales pentru corectitudine si seriozitate in livrare. (Postat la data 28.03.2018)

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Producator Landyachtz Skateboards
Lungime 72.4 cm
Latime 20.3 cm
Wheelbase 37.1 cm
Greutate Nu
Forma Low Concave, Sanded Wheel Wells, Kicktail, Embossed
Constructia 100% Canadian Maple
Montarea Axelor Top Mount
Axe Polar Bear 105mm
Roti 63mm 78a Fattie Hawgs - Black
Rulmenti Bear Spaceballs 8mm


Orele de lucru la care ne puteti contacta.

  • Luni - Vineri:   09.00 - 17.00
  • Sambata:        Inchis
  • Duminica:       Inchis

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