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  2. Pret: 1.600,00 lei si peste

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  1. Categorie: DECK
  2. Pret: 1.600,00 lei si peste

Prism Co Skate

Prism Co Skate

The Prism story starts with a group of friends who routinely met up to skate down the mountain ranges of California. One thing led to the next and we all found ourselves involved with some of the largest names in the industry. With their backing, we worked to build a resurgence of downhill skateboarding. We felt there wasn’t a company out there that reflected our style and vision so we chose to go down our own road and make it ourselves. The crew started with Liam Morgan, James Kelly, Max Myers, and now includes many others.


We make purposefully crafted skateboards that are perfect for those taking their first step on a skateboard or for the seasoned mountain rat. Our collective years on boards give us the insight and experience to design decks and complete skateboards that are thought out from tip to tail. Our boards come with high quality Caliber and Blood Orange components and are designed to function properly and perfectly right off the bat.


We believe skateboarding belongs to those who build it and contribute to its culture and growth. We believe that skateboards should be designed by skateboarders, not accountants. We believe that your board should keep up with your riding ability; it should be easy to pick up and learn on, but function at the highest level when you’re ready for it. We believe it doesn’t really matter how you ride, as long as you’re doing it. Most importantly, we believe that skateboarding is about having fun. These beliefs are reflected in every choice we make here at Prism.

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  • Luni - Vineri:   09.00 - 17.00
  • Sambata:        Inchis
  • Duminica:       Inchis

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